PEI Human Rights Commission: Workplace Sexual Harassment Project (SHIFT)

The goal of shift is to address and prevent sexual harassment in Island workplaces through awareness, education and training that is tailored for employers, employees, high school students and the general public.

This project is funded by the Department of Justice Canada and is currently able to offer training and resources at no cost to participants.

It isn’t easy to talk about sexual harassment. We can help shift the conversation to equip and empower employers and employees to prevent and address sexual harassment at work through training tailored to specific industries.

The shift project offers lively virtual (Zoom) or in-person training sessions for management and staff.

Employer & Manager Training: Fall Workshops 2020 – Registration Now Open!

Register by sending an e-mail to and indicate which workshop date you want to attend. The workshops are designed to be complimentary and are each 2-hours long; while both are recommended, taking only one workshop is an option. 

#1. The Big Picture: A post-#Me too Workplace

Morning Sessions: 9:30 am to 11:30 am: December 3

Afternoon Sessions: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm: December 1, December 7

The more you understand an existing or potential problem, the more effectively you can solve it. In this workshop, you will:

#2. Let’s Talk: Prevention and Responses for Workplace Sexual Harassment.

Morning Sessions: 9:30 am to 11:30 am: November 30, December 11, December 14

Afternoon Sessions: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm: November 26, December 9

This talk will lead to action. You will learn:

Workplace Training: Know What to Do

In these workshop, employees and management staff will receive similar training on understanding the topic as well as customized training linked to the workplace policy and procedures on dealing with sexual harassment. In addition, bystander training will be offered as well as tools for a Management Alert System for employees that deal with customers.

Topics covered include:

Email Laura K. Birdshift Project Manager, or call her at 902-368-4180 for more information or to book a session.

Visit PEI Human Rights Commission for resources for employers, organizations, and those who have been targets of sexual harassment or sexual violence.

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